Tuesday, March 30, 2010



Is one entertaining old movie! With an all vaudeville cast, starting from WC Fields to Burns and Allen to Baby Rosemarie, it's 80 minutes of laughs and music. I was very impressed with this movie for number of reasons; this movie takes place in a village called Yoo Hoo China, for 1933 I was delighted to see that none of the Chinese characters were portrayed with any kind of racist or stereo typed cast. Even the character Dr. Wong, played by Edmund Breese a caucasian actor, showed none of the broken accent, or any bumbling characterization for the sake of comedy.

The story tells Dr Wong has invented the very first television and invited a cast of VIPs all over the world to visit International House Hotel. Lots of small comedy routines done by Burns and Allen , Gracie in her top form as the air head. It was a delight to see Bela Lugosi as a ladies man later turned villain.

W C Fields was the main character of this cast of wacky characters, he played Prof. Quail who flown into China in a flying car, which looked pretty good. And a very interesting appearance by Cab Calloway and his orchestra singing about "The Reefer man". The "creepiest" scene in the movie was a performance by Baby Rose Marie, Rose Marie of "The Dick Van Dyke Show" at the age of 7 or 8, belting out a tune with same gestures of the adult Rose Marie in the later part of her career.
"International House" is really ahead of its time and a true Comedy Classic!

Monday, March 29, 2010



For 1981 this movie resembled a lot of the older epic adventures from the early 60's like the "Sinbad" or "Jason and the Argonaunts". Mainly because of the wonderful stop motion animation by Ray Harry Hausen, and the bad costumes probably rented from the same place the cast of "Star Trek" used.

Harry Hamlin as our hero Persus, he's terrible.... but so was rest of the cast. The best parts were the animation and Bubo the robot Owl, he was clearly based on R2D2 from the early "Star Wars", has the same sound effects and lovable personality and of course Bubo came to save the day.

No matter what, but whenever I see Burgess Meredith I can't help but picture The Penguin from the "Batman" TV show, his performance as Ammon looked like something out an "Strek Trek" episode. If you like to see a lot of old folks in togas you will love this movie as many of the Olympians are performed by a very mature group, like Sir Laurence Olivier as Zeus, Ursula Andress as Aphrodite and Maggie Smith as Thetis. Still "Clash of the titans" delivered a bedtime story that you won't want to miss.



Following the slasher craze movies of the late 70's and 80's this is an extremely low budget and entertaining made-for-drive-in movie. This movie starts out the year 1978 the main character, the typical abused out cast in a small suburb, falls into a well in the town square after being taunted by a group of bullies.
So 10 years later after being in the mental hospital for killing his mother and eating her corpse, he escaped to seek revenge.

The opening of this movie really looked like 1978, featuring a white trash movie in her kitchen filled with 70's gaudy wall paper, dressed in a K mart bathrobe and curlers, purposely putting cigarette buds into her son's scrambled eggs. Rest of the movie we see a lot big haired 80's girls screaming and having sex with their boyfriends in typical suburban homes, other than the bad acting this movie is not that different than some of the other slasher films of the 80's it even had a soundtrack that resembled the "Halloween" theme.

What's missing is that "Offerings" did not feature any actors that later become stars like some of the other slasher flicks. You won't see the before they become stars from the cast of "Friends" or "Gilmore Girls" here, just a bunch of unknowns who stayed that way.

the violent murders and some of the "shock" images are predictable from the nurse getting a syringe through her skull all the way to the end where the psycho killer is jump back up from being shot 5 times, to give you that one last scream. I think it's the nostalgic I feel about the 1980's attract me more about "Offerings" than anything else, what was missing was a loud soundtrack with electronic drumbeats to complete the package.

Friday, March 19, 2010



This movie had three titles "The devil within her", "Monster" and "I don't want to be born", this movie is mold all over no matte what title you use.
Joan Collins plays Lucy Carlesi, a stripper in a freak show. A midget by the name of Hercules tried to molest her, her boyfriend come to the rescue and kicks the midget out....so Hercules puts a curse on her. Soon after than Lucy gives birth to one of the most even baby since "Rosemary's baby"!

They even promote the movie with the line: "Not since Rosemary's baby...." Joan Collins turned in a hilarious performance as the stripper, but the best parts of the movie is whenever the she is upset by her new born baby, she sees the midget's face!!

The opening titles of the movie start with Joan in the delivery room screaming her head off with out any make up while 70's porn music plays in the background, for that 3 minute opening sequence alone, they should give Joan an Oscar!

Monday, March 15, 2010



Hey moldster movie mashers, I'm about half afraid to say this out loud because the flick I'm about to mention is so highly revered in film circles, and those who don't care for it are usually told in no uncertain lofty terms that they *sniff* "just don't get it" *sniff* But Tim and I just watched "A Woman Under the Influence" tonight, and I gotta say, P.U.!!
I tried to find hilarity in its over-the-topness (plenty of that goin' on!). I agree that Ms. Rowlands is incredibly talented, and yes, I "got" it (what's there to "get"? - it ain't rocket science). I got it, but I didn't want it! And that ending, eeeee. Non-stop pathos for 2 1/2 hours (with Cassavettes' mommy as the mother-in-law, yet), then they slap us with that annoying flippant cutesy music at the end?? Good lord. If y'all adore it, apologies, and we can agree to disagree, heh! I just can't remember the last time I watched such a highly-acclaimed movie that I so disliked, and I thought I'd get others' opinions on it. Some of the clothes and the cars were pretty cool ... Oooh, the intellectuals love me! Now, let's see, where did I put that F Troop box set ...

Sunday, March 14, 2010


"YOU'LL FIND OUT!" - 1940

What do you get when you put together Bela Lugosi, Boris Karloff, Peter Lorre , and Kay Kaiser and his college of musical knowledge together and put them in a haunted house? You get this wonderful little gem "You'll find out"!
I know very little about Kay Kaiser and his orchestra but after viewing this movie I have become a big fan! His orchestra included the standard crooner and female vocalist and then there's Ish Kabibble
" an early incarnation of Jim Carey. As a matter of fact I think Jim Carrey has made himself too look just like Ish Kabibble in the movie "Dumb and dumber".

The story is like a typical episode of "The 3 Stooges" so is the comedy and jokes. Put a few trap doors and a a couple of musical numbers you'll have a great time! One of my favorite character is Aunt Margo Bellacrest, an eccentric rich old lady who believes she has made contact with her dead brother. She made her entrance coming down to the stairs with a blank stare in her eye as she greeted Kaiser with a spooky voice, saying "Yes Mr. Kaiser I've heard all your music, but not on the radio...but from another source...."

Why do I love this movie so much? YOU'LL FIND OUT!